domingo, 7 de junio de 2009

Tourism & Hiking

Regenwald Tours (tours and excursions)

The invitation to discover your adventurous spirit

And enjoy our natural beauty, archaeological heritage and historic aatural Colonia Tovar, through our tours and excursions

Footprints of the Past (duration 2 hours): Enjoy magnificent panoramic views of the town and its surrounding areas of vegetable crops, strawberries, peaches, etc..; Visit indigenous petroglyphs, made before the discovery of America, an important heritage the ancient inhabitants of the area that has a single witness: the time, and finally, a crafts workshop. This is an excursion that includes a bit of every facet of Colonia Tovar.

Montaña Divina (duration 2 hours): If you enjoy contact with nature, this tour is an interesting choice: visit the monument NATURAL "Pico Codazzi", where you can appreciate all the exuberance of vegetation typical of the place: the giant cedar, tree ferns, bromeliads, granadillo, palms and orchids are endemic to the region (it should be noted that orchids have a definite period of flowering). It is necessary to make some small hikes in the monument, so we advise that clothes and shoes for this.

More than a Twon (duration 2 hours): This tour will give you the perspective of just what the Colonia Tovar has to offer in terms of natural attractions, scenic, historical and cultural, on a route where you can appreciate beautiful panoramic views, cultures and architecture. You will also have the opportunity to visit a handicraft factory and a liquor house typical of the area.

Combined (duration 3 hours): On this tour you will appreciate beautiful panoramic views, vegetable crops, strawberries, peaches, etc, and the typical architecture of the area. At the same time have the opportunity to visit a handicraft factory and a liquor house typical of the area. Besides enjoying the contact with nature, a trip to NATURAL MONUMENT "Pico Codazzi", where you can appreciate all the exuberance of vegetation typical of the place: the giant cedar, tree ferns, bromeliads, granadillo; palms etc.

El Jarillo (duration 4 hours, only available in low season upon reservation): This town was founded by inhabitants of the Colonia Tovar more than one hundred years ago, is now a major producer of peaches for excellence, with breathtaking panoramic views, friendly people and very quiet. We visited the village, its church, the plantations of peach and flowers. The output for this tour is approximately at 8:30 Am Minimum 4 people.

Full Day Beach (only available in low season with prior reservation): Enjoy a sunny day in the fishing village of Puerto Cruz. The departure time will be at 7:30 am and return to La Colonia Tovar at 6:00 pm. Includes lunch and drinks. Minimum 4 adults.

Viva Trek Tours, Flights Paragliding

Eco Adventure Der Wald

Full Day Individual and Corporate. (10 to 20 People)

We offer a new adventure for entrepreneurs and groups of people with outdoor experiential activities totally immersed in a mountain environment.

The package includes Recreation, Adventure, Adrenaline, Share Games, games, contacts Crops, Trekking or Hiking, Food & Beverage.

Happy Adventure
(8 to 12 persons), 2 days and 2 nights or 2 days and 1 night

A full package which includes a comfortable lodging, recreation, adventure, adrenaline, Share Games, games, contacts Crops, Hiking and trekking, Breakfast, Beef der wald, sancocho, relaxation areas, drinks, bonfires, barbecues or Pinchas , music and dancing with dances.

You can not fail to enjoy at any time, as our personal attention will make you feel at all times be under the warmth of family.

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