domingo, 7 de junio de 2009


Hotel-Rest. Bergland
Hotel-Rest. Bergland located just 3 minutes from downtown, via Victoria - The CalvarioTel sector. 0244.355.1994 / e-mail:

Hotel-Rest. Frankfurt

Hotel-Rest. Frankfurt is located just 3 minutes from downtown, La Cava main road, Colonia Tovar. Run by Jely Muttach Tel 0244-355.1879

Hotel - Rest. Freiburg

Freiburg Hotel-Restaurant is located just 5 minutes from downtown, Calle E. Von Keller, via the medicatura. Served by its owners Tel 0244-417.5910 / 0244-355.1313 / 0414-333.5007 / fax: 0244-355.1983

La Casita Del Fondue

La Casita Del Fondue located just 5 minutes from downtown, Las Tejerías Served by its own owner. Tel 0244-355.1402 / 0244-355.1343 e-mail

The Crossbow Restaurant

The Crossbow Restaurant, located just 5 minutes from downtown, La Ballesta Tel 0244-355.1156 / 0414-492.7298 / 0416-839.3834

Restaurant Rebstock

Codazzi end street, C.C. Breikanz. Served by its owners 0244-355.1174 Tel. / e-mail:

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